Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Threemile Lake Trail #1338 [Oregon Dunes NRA]

Trail: Threemile Lake Trail #1338
Distance: 6.6 miles roundtrip
Elevation Gain: 650 feet 
Access: Tahkenitch Dunes Trailhead and Campground via HWY 101
Passes: Northwest Forest Pass
Rating: Moderate
Use: Hikers only
Agency: Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, Siuslaw National Forest

Trail Description: Threemile Lake Trail leaves from the Tahkenitch Dunes Trailhead, passing Threemile Lake, the infamous sand dunes, with a final destination of the Pacific Ocean. Stay left at the trail junction, following the mixed douglas-fir/spruce forest before cresting a ridge. On the downslope, you will reach a bridge crossing Threemile Lake before ascending into a shore pine forest along the dune system. At the top of the hill next to Threemile Lake is a campsite, good for overnight trips, that overlooks the lake and the ocean. Continue 1/2 mile from this site, through the shore pine dunes, to reach the ocean. This trip is great for a day hike or an overnight backpacking trip. To make this a loop trail, follow the Tahkenitch Dunes Trail #1353 north along the dune system, staying right at the first two trail junctions and left at the third trail junction, to end up at the Tahkenitch Dunes Trailhead. Keep in mind hiking over sand is about half the speed as a normal trail might take.

Directions: The Tahkenitch Dunes Trailhead and Campground is 13 miles south of Florence, OR and 8 miles north of Reedsport, OR on Highway 101.

Overlooking the Dunes from Threemile Lake. View from Campsite.

A small lake off-trail in the Dune system

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sleeping Beauty Trail #37 [Mount Adams, Washington]

Trail: Sleeping Beauty #37
Distance: 3 miles roundtrip
Elevation Gain: 1400 ft
Access: Sleeping Beauty Trailhead via Forest Road 88, Forest Road 8810, Forest Road 8810-040
Passes: No pass required
Rating: Moderate, elevation gain most challenging
Use: Hikers only
Agency: Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Mount Adams Ranger District

Trail Description: This trail has amazing views of Mount Adams, with views of Mount St. Helens, Mount Hood and Mount Rainier. The trail starts in a "middle-aged" second growth forest, with vanilla leaf and small shrubs growing in the understory. The trail is well developed with nice views through the forest, but is a steep grade all the way to the top. At the top, the trail emerges out of the forest and zigzags the bare rock to an old fire lookout. Mount Adams towers over the surrounding landscape. Sleeping Beauty trail offers one of the best views of Mount Adams without actually climbing the mountain, and provides a hike in relative solitude.

Directions: From the Columbia Gorge, take SR 141 to Trout Lake, WA. Stop off at the Mount Adams Ranger Station in Trout Lake for trail conditions. Continue past the ranger station about 3/4 mile, and turn right onto Forest Road 88. Continue on FR 88 until you see the sign for the "Sleeping Beauty Trailhead" and turn right onto Forest Road 8810. Continue on this road for about 20 minutes, and look for the "Sleeping Beauty Trail" sign. It is a brown sign in the forest and is hard to spot. Turn right onto Forest Road 8810-040. My recommendation, after 15 minutes, slow at any right turn and look for a brown road sign with a road number. Look for the "040" road. The trailhead is just up the road on the left hand side. Note: the 8810 and 8810-040 roads are gravel and rough in spots.

Mount Adams from Sleeping Beauty Peak

Lava Canyon Trail #184 [Mount St Helens, Washington]

Lava Canyon Trail #184
0.6 mile for Suspension Bridge Loop
3.6 miles for Lower Canyon roundtrip
Elevation Gain:
200 ft for Suspension Bridge Loop
1200 ft for Lower Canyon
Lava Canyon Trailhead via Forest Road 83
Easy for Suspension Bridge Loop
Difficult for Lower Canyon
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Trail Description: Lava Canyon Trail offers two great hikes, both worth the trip to visit. Starting from the trailhead, a barrier-free trail winds its way down to a view of the first waterfall on the trail, moving past interpretive signs along the way. For the Suspension Bridge loop, hike past the first bridge you see. Do not cross it. You will hike down the left-hand side of the canyon first. The next bridge is the suspension bridge, a cable bridge 125 ft above the canyon. From the bridge there are great views of waterfalls and epic vistas. To complete the loop, cross it and hike up the other side of the canyon. The first bridge will return you to the barrier-free trail and back to the parking lot. For the Lower Canyon trail, continue past the suspension bridge down-canyon. Warning, this section of trail is narrow and slippery and right next to the canyon cliff. If you have a discomfort with heights or balance, do not attempt this trail. There is a cable grab-line to help you avoid slipping and dying. Once past the sketchy narrow trail of death, there is a ladder climb down to continue on the trail, and the spur trail #184B to a geologic feature called "the Ship" with views of more waterfalls. The trail ends at the Smith Creek trailhead at the end of Forest Road 8322. From here, you can turn around and hike back up, or if you plan ahead, you can shuttle cars from Smith Creek trailhead to Lava Canyon Trailhead.

Natural History: The coolest part of the Lava Canyon trail is the geologic outcropping you will see (and I guess the waterfalls too). During the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, a lahar tore through lava canyon, ripping out trees and exposing andesitic columnar jointing from eruptions 1900 years ago. These andesitic deposits sit on top of the Ohanapecosh Formation, a rock layer 20-40 million years old found throughout southwest Washington. The Muddy River has carved through the canyon, eroding the underlying and less resistant Ohanapecosh, leaving the more resistant andesite cliffs to overhang the canyon.

Directions: From 1-5, take exit 21 (Woodland). Follow SR 503 south toward Cougar, WA. Continue straight onto SR 503 SPUR to Cougar, WA. Past Cougar, the 503 turns into Forest Road 90. Past milepost 3, turn left onto Forest Road 83 (you will see signs for Ape Cave/Lava Canyon). Continue straight on FR 83 for ~20 minutes. The road dead ends at the Lava Canyon Trailhead.

*Lava Canyon is VERY busy on summer weekends. Weekday hiking is recommended!

Muddy River from Lava Canyon Trail

Andesite Columns over Ohanapecosh Formation

Suspension Bridge

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cape Disappointment State Park [Washington]

Awakens the hymn of the fog horns on forest nights..
Cape Disappointment, floating irony.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photo of the Month: Sunrise over Mt. Adams

Mt Margaret Backcountry [Mt. St. Helens, Washington]

Trail: Boundary Trail #1

Distance: 11 miles roundtrip

Elevation Gain: 2,188 ft

Access: Norway Pass Trailhead on Forest Road 26

Rating: Difficult

Agency: Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Gifford Pinchot N.F.

Trail Description:

The Boundary Trail #1 is a historic trail connecting Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens across rugged parts of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. One portion of this trail winds through the Mt. Margaret Backcountry within the Blast Zone of the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Passing through the blown-down forest, the trail has little vegetation cover and is largely exposed to the elements. Large shrubs and young coniferous trees line the trail at times, but most of the hike is lined with small bushes of huckleberry, salmonberry and wildflower fields of indian paintbrush, lupine, fireweed, pearly everlasting, mariposa lily and more. Fine dust and ash make up the trail floor, making it difficult to keep oneself clean on a hot summer day. This combined with an elevation gain of about 500 ft/mile make this hike more challenging than others within the Monument. From the ridge are excellent views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens, with views of Mt. Hood in the distance. Water can be found on the trail via a pump at the trailhead, and springs north of Bear Camp, the only designated camp site before the summit of Mt. Margaret. Be sure to bring at least a few liters of water for this hot and steep hike.


From Norway Pass Trailhead, follow the Boundary Trail straight ahead toward Norway Pass.

At 1.2 miles, continue right at the junction of the Independence Ridge Trail #227A.

At 2.2 miles, continue right at the junction of the Independence Pass Trail #227.

At 3.1 miles, continue left at the junction of the Lakes Trail #211.

At 4.9 miles, continue left at the junction of the Whittier Ridge Trail #214.

Continue for 0.6 miles to the summit of Mt. Margaret.


From the North: Take I-5 to exit 68. Follow SR 12 to Randle, then follow signs for Mt. St. Helen's and turn right for FR 25. Continue on FR 25 until the junction of FR 99, turn right on FR 99. Just before Meta Lake viewpoint, turn onto FR 26. Norway Pass trailhead is 1 mile up the road on the left.

From the South: Take I-5 to exit 21 (Woodland exit).

Turn right onto SR 503 toward Cougar. SR 503 turns into FR 90 four miles east of Cougar. Continue on FR 90 for 15 miles until it turns into FR 25. Continue on FR 25 for 25 miles, turn left onto FR 99. Just before Meta Lake viewpoint, turn onto FR 26. Norway Pass trailhead is 1 mile up the road on the left.

View from Mt. Margaret to Mt. St. Helens